Investing in stocks is easy. The key is whether you are in a good mood. Just step by step every day. Don't panic. Rich people hold a money field and add positions. If you have no money, hold a stock market, and hold your shares.Be sure to remember not to operate in Man Cang. Take a position of 70% at most. If you have food in your hand, don't panic. Don't put your desire to the limit at any time and don't let it swell.Being rational and calm is the most important thing, and don't be carried away by ups and downs. This stock market is always the same, that is, it does not produce additional wealth, but only the transfer and redistribution of wealth. Nothing else.
It is very important to combine knowledge with practice. Be sure to keep it in mind. Don't always look around in the stock market, you have to have your own plan and carry it out. After operating for a long time, you will have your own feelings and judgments. It will be profitable gradually.Dear friends, the weekend is here again. I wish you all a happy weekend!Dear friends, the weekend is here again. I wish you all a happy weekend!
Be sure to remember not to operate in Man Cang. Take a position of 70% at most. If you have food in your hand, don't panic. Don't put your desire to the limit at any time and don't let it swell.Be sure to remember not to operate in Man Cang. Take a position of 70% at most. If you have food in your hand, don't panic. Don't put your desire to the limit at any time and don't let it swell.The current index is a market that enters five and retreats three. It is not correct to keep rising, and it is impossible to keep falling. Therefore, it is normal to increase by 20 points and adjust by 10 points. However, for ordinary retail investors, because of insufficient concentration, they always change stocks frequently. I didn't buy the stock when it rose sharply, but I bought it when it was about to fall. So complicated. As a result, a good round of rising prices did not make much money in the end. Once the market is adjusted, the meager profit can't resist the adjustment range, and it is easy to fall into a loss.
Strategy guide 12-14
Strategy guide 12-14